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Monday, April 5, 2010

The First Blog

Well, where to begin...My name is Travis Hollins. Chances are you don't know me, nor will take the time to get to know me, but thats okay. As selfish as it is, I'm writing this for me, to help me keep my thoughts clear and try and find someone out 'there' who wouldn't mind sharing thoughts with myself.

This, I confess, isn't my first attempt at blogging. I had a little blog application on Facebook, and for roughly 100 days, I used it daily to vent. Despite this being so, it recieved little attention and left me feeling rather alone. It certainly didn't end up making my life better, but hey, I guess I don't mind.

As such, I decided to come here and try a new venue. Will it lead to anything? I have no idea. I kind of hope so, but also kind of doubt it. So, this all being the case, I guess I'll start with a little something about me.

I suppose I should write about what it is that has been stressing me the most recently. I'd have to say that the most stressful thing I have to deal with is one of those "Un-returned love" things. I think about it often, that is I think about why this girl can't seem to give me a chance to prove that I may just be a decent boyfriend. I can see how one would not like me. I'm by no means good looking, I'm often annoying, and I'm not typically talkative.

There isn't really any way I can write this out without seeming like an egotistical asshole who thinks only about his own wants. I understand that she doesn't like me "like that" and that she has another guy she is crazy about herself. It's just after all this time I thought that maybe she'd be willing to just give me a chance. You know? Just one date, or even a half date. It's not like doing so would cause the world to end or make her life worse.

But, that's her choice. If she doesn't think that I'm even worth a try so be it. I'm not going to stop being in love with her because she falls in love with some other guy, ignores me, or even if she hates me. I've waited a long time just for a chance already, it won't kill me to keep waiting. After all, "Love is timeless" right?
Well, end of my first blog. Post comments if you want I suppose. Doubt anyone will.

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