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Monday, April 19, 2010

Hell or Nothing

Another day, another blog. I'm going to go with something a little less personal and hope it draws a few more comments.

Anyways, I'll start this off with a little story. One day, me and a buddy of mine were talking about movies. Of course just about any time we talk about movies "Fight Club" is brought up. It was on this day that I decided I'd do a little web crawling about fight club, you know, just to see what everyone else thought of it. That's when I happened by this video. It's called an "Internet Spot". It basically a commercial that is only for the web.

Anyways, this video is called "Hell or nothing". Essentially it asks the viewer, "If you had to choose between being Gods worst enemy, or nothing, what would you pick?". I'll refrain from answering as I don't feel like being judged by "religious folk" at the moment. I must say however that I found this interesting. I mean, if "God" simply didn't care about you, didn't even realize you existed, could you live knowing that? Knowing that when you die, that there wouldn't be anything. No pearly gates, no fiery pits, just pitch black nothingness...

Pretty much the whole movie follows those lines. The "God doesn't hate you, but he doesn't like you either" mentality. I just can't help but put thought into it. What if that's really true? What if god really just doesn't care about you? or Me? What would you do? Would you continue living a decent life without sin, or would you turn the world upside down so then god at least knows you do exist?

Well, the end of another blog. This one was short, and I could probably write a ton more about this, but I'd like some other people's opinions before I voice the rest of mine.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Seven 'Sins'

I have made a decision that I will be updating this blog with all of my backed up older posts from my older blog. Starting with my rather long 7 Sins blog.


I'm betting this title I'll get a few more views. Well before you read any further be warned that this isn't a blog like that. This is going to be my first of 7 blogs about the so called "7 Sins of humanity". Recently me and my online buddies at the Studio were talking about these, and since then I have put some thought into them.

Things like personal experiences, what makes them bad, why humans need them to live, just my personal opinion of each. I figured after putting thought into it I might as well throw it up on the blog. Once again it's not like tons of people read my blog, but still, wouldn't want to let the whole 10 people who do down right?

So, Lust. Personal experience wise, we have all felt Lust. Lust is that insane primal attraction to another without any feeling of love or attachment. All humans have lust, and it is possibly the most powerful "sin" overall. If we didn't have society, chances are lust would rule most of our lives. But it isn't without it's uses. To a certain extent Lust helps us to "populate" the earth. Even though most people tend to think it's "love" everyone knows not every couple on this planet with a kid are in love.

What makes Lust bad? Well, it tends to ruin people. And even worse it doesn't take much of it to ruin you. And by far the worst thing is the fact that it is addictive. Lust isn't merely an emotion, it's an instinct at its finest(or worst depending on the perspective).

Personal opinion, Lust can't be avoided. It's natural, and trying to avoid it is like trying to avoid humanity itself. Just plain impossible.

So, end of the first in a series of seven. One per day for a week straight, check back in each day if you want to read them. Comments still welcome.


Greed, what a amazing emotion. Greed, what drives us to want, what gives us our desires, what makes us feel like we need so much more than the basics of life.
I've experienced greed myself as well. It's a well known fact I used to be very protective of all of my possessions when I was a kid, Greedy even. Couldn't be helped, I had my things and I wanted them to stay my things. The thoughts of others stealing from me drove me to be very, very greedy. I should be ashamed of it, but I'm not. Not even the tiniest bit.

I suppose I'm not as greedy as I used to be. In the end all of the sins are present in all of us of course, but I think this one is less present than it used to be anyways.

What makes Greed so bad? How easy it is to succumb to it. Like the saying "Given an inch, took a mile". Human greed is unlimited, if kept unchecked, we end up with foolish goals like owning people(slavery) or various other things that we really don't need. Greed isn't limited to only those who are wealthy, oh no. Poor people can be much worse than wealthy people. How so?

Those who are poor tend to not just cling onto the little they have, they are practically willing to follow it to the ends of the earth. Got to love human nature, it's so amazing and fun to analyze.

Why do we need greed? Well, without those who are really greedy, who would by all the horrible and idiotic things people invent these days? Modern economy as well as the economy from way back when requires that greedy people make stupid investments on crazy inventions.

Well, that's greed for you. Thoughts, opinions, and comments are still welcome.


Mmmm…Gluttony. Good food, good drink, good times had by all right? A favorite "Sin" by many people. It's easy to understand why, what with the amazing taste of fast food, chocolate cake, beer, wine. All of these amazing things on earth to satisfy our taste buds and they expect us to limit ourselves?

Well, Gluttony is a double edged sword like no other. Sure, you can shove that whole pizza in your stomach, or eat 3rds and 4th helpings at each meal, but as we know, you'll be risking your health while doing so. Of course we can be super healthy at the same time, but then we'd have to sacrifice things like booze and pizza, which is just dumb.

I've had my troubles with Gluttony in the past. At its highest point I reached 220 pounds, and pretty much none of it was muscle, so yeah, I'm guilty of Gluttony. However, this "Sin" is fairly easy to appease. I'm not saying I gave up Fast food of course, I'm just saying that I eat a lot less of it now. That's all it took. 8 months later and I'm down 50 pounds. Happy days right?

Why is Gluttony bad you ask? Why can't I have my cake and eat it too?!? Well, because anyone who can eat a whole cake and have no regrets about it needs some serious help. You might as well be planning to die at the ripe old age of 35 if that's your idea of good food.

Do we need Gluttony? Well, no we don't. But it's way too good of a "Sin" to give up. Everyone likes good food, even if they won't admit it. Without Gluttons where would the chocolate and Soda industry go? Without Gluttony beer might of not of even been invented. Dark times lie ahead without gluttony.

So, what is my point with this blog? You say Gluttony is okay but we shouldn't be gluttons?!

Well, no. Being Gluttons to a certain extent is fine. However, eating 3 or 4 pieces of pizza is better than eating the whole 8, 2 slices of cake is better then 9, etc…
End of "Sin Blog" number 3. Comments?


Pride. The source of the mighty Ego. The reason men and women compete in things like "Who can throw this ball further!" and "I run faster than you!!". It's a really wonderful sin, being the source of all human competition, as well as the source of many wars.

My Experiences with pride? Well, of course I have a few, once again the "Seven Sins of Humanity" apply to all humans. A more fun way to say it would be that "Everyone has an ego", yes, even Oprah. Some are delicate, some not so much. All Egos have the same origin, but everyone's ego applies to a different ideal. My Ego lies in my internet abilities.

I take extreme pride in my ability to use any search engine with ease as well as understand the way these wonderful machines work. If someone challenges me, I fight them. Not that many fights come out of this, as compared to things like sports.

Oh sports Egos, how I loathe thee. Not the people playing the sports, they have the right to be proud that they can throw a perfect spiral or have the ability to score 3 pointers every time they try. What really gets me are the fans. It's okay to take pride in your team a bit, like buying their gear and watching their games, but anyone who gets in a real fight for their team, anyone who riots for their team, they take it WAY too far.

What's bad about Pride? Well obviously Egos and fighting, as well as Wars. If we didn't have pride we wouldn't really need to fight for anything apart from our basic needs. What's good about it? Backbone. Pride is what gives us backbone, and that fighting spirit we humans are so proud of. Pride is the reason Steve Irwin fought Gators, Pride is why Hercules kicked ass in the old Olympics, pride is the source of the majority of inspirational stories.

End of the "Pride" blog. Could continue with talking about other reasons I hate people with huge egos, but it doesn't apply to this particular blog.

Comments please.


Wrath, anger, fury. One of the most powerful of the sins. Whether or not we want to admit it, when we get angry, truly angry, it's just about impossible to hold back. Wrath is what cause people to punch holes in the drywall or smash mailboxes with a baseball bat.

Wrath is probably the simplest "Sin". It's simple because it just is. When you're ,mad, you're mad, there's nothing you can magically do to make yourself happy again. You either have to take a lot of time to cool off, or destroy whatever it is that is causing you anger.

Do I get angry? Yes, yes I do. Quite frequently in fact, only difference between my anger and yours is that I have become a master at "cooling off". If something does make me angry, like being ignored for instance, it will only take me a day or so to be back to "normal". I don't really hold grudges, nor do I ever plan to hold grudges.

What makes wrath bad? Fights. Wrath comes from people getting their pride injured, which then causes them to fight. Fights solely based on Wrath are usually bad too. They typically end up with someone on a stretcher or severely injured enough to be taken to the ER anyways.

So what makes wrath good….Well, Hollywood's action film industry pretty much depends on it. As do a lot of horror movies. If we didn't have wrath movies like the Jason series, Halloween, Die hard, V, etc… wouldn't exist, and we all know how much "V" kicked ass. Don't lie to yourself saying that you wouldn't miss it. You would.

So, end of Wrath. Comments, criticisms, etc…


Envy, jealousy, the source of the majority of human goals. What makes me say that Envy, one of the sins, gives us our goals? Well, simply put, most kids when growing up say "I want to be like (Insert famous athlete/actor/parent)". That is because you Envy them. You want what they have, you are jealous of the success and happiness they have achieved.

Envy is a pretty common sin. It's so common in fact that most people "commit" it in their day to day lives. The worst part is we don't even realize we are being Envious, we just pass it off as "Dreaming" or "Having Goals". You remember back in grade school when teachers made you fill out those "Goal sheets"? They were encouraging you to be Envious of others, even though they probably didn't realize it.

Are you the jealous type Travis? Well yes, yes I am. I envy the rich, I envy the famous, just like you do. I also envy those who find happiness in the "simple" things". I envy those who stay optimistic even when their lives suck. I envy those who have the company of others the majority of their days. Truthfully, I envy the larger part of the world.

What makes Envy bad? Well, jealousy causes unrealistic goals. When someone ahs a goal they can't accomplish through normal means, they do stupid things. Envy is one of the two reasons stalkers exist(Lust being the other). Envy leads to unhealthy obsessions.

That's not to say Envy isn't good too though. Without Envy we wouldn't have figure heads to "look up to", and despite what I think…It is important to have goals. Without Envy we probably wouldn't care about professional sports very much, nor would we bother with actors and rock bands. So, Envy is important to humanity's existence.

End of the "Envy Blog" Comments?


Sloth is by far the easiest of the "sins" to commit. How so? Well it's simple, just don't do anything. Sloth is laziness at its most extreme. It's fitting that I not only did it as the last of the sins, but waited until the last minute to even type and post it. Procrastination is fun.

Sloth is committed by most of us on a daily basis. Naps, Extra TV time, and Video Games are all excellent examples of us being lazy. Sure, we COULD go work out, or do homework, or benefit mankind in some way, but why do that when we can sit on a comfy couch and do absolutely nothing. Sloth not only requires the least effort of the seven sins, it requires none at all.

Am I lazy…well, yes, quite lazy. Instead of doing this blog in the morning, I waited till the afternoon, instead of doing my homework, I watched Comedy Central, and instead of working out, I slept in more. All in all that's a good day for me. I can be way worse sometimes. I have gone an entire day without moving more than 25 feet. It's not that hard for me. Being lazy is second nature to myself, and I lack a first nature to top it off.

Is sloth bad? Well yeah it's bad. Sloth is the reason we procrastinate, sloth is the reason America had/had an "Obesity epidemic", sloth is the source for all couch potatoes worldwide. It's bad enough when we do very little, but we humans have mastered the ability to use our time in the worst possible, most unproductive ways. See: Jerry Springer

Well if it's so horrible there is no way it could have anything good right? Well, partially right. Sloth is the reason we watch TV, therefore Sloth keeps Hollywood in business. Same for the almighty couch makers of the world. Sloth is also great for the man who invented the remote control. Brilliant guy, whoever he was. We owe him several miles of back and forth walking to the TV.

So, end of the Sloth blog, and end of my "Seven Sins" blog as well.


I was just sort of sitting here, and figured since I didn't want to do anything else, I'd write a blog. Not that I have a lot to write about, since very little blog-worthy things happen to me, but why not right?

For starters, I'll write out a bit about my academic life. As this is the one thing pretty much everyone asks about by default, with questions like 'How's college going Travis?' or 'Partying a lot at college huh?!?'. Well, no, I'm not. Even when I say this people just sort of instinctively think I'm lying. They have the standard Hollywood idea about college where everyone gets wasted 4 days a week. That isn't now, nor ever was the kind of person I am, but let them think it if they want I guess.

The more academic side of it is going…okay I guess. It could be better, B's and C's, but I don't feel like putting for an A's effort. Hate me for it if you want, but I just don't want to put that much stress on myself. Especially with the Term drawing to a close and everyone studying for finals. Yeah, I don't al. Never have, and probably never will. I get B's without studying, so yeah I might get A's with, but why should I if I don't want to.(Not trying to start a 'we all have to do things we don't want to' argument)

Music is one of those 'fall back' things for me to blog about and do with my free time, as I suppose it is with everyone else. I won't give you the 'it's a huge part of my life' speech because I don't really see it that way, but I do listen to music probably 40-50% of my waking hours. Most recently, I have been listening to Reggae, Bob Marley is particular. His music is very soulful and soothing, though the whole topic of love in half his songs just bums me out, but that's for later in the blog. I rather enjoy his sound, it's nice and I can see why my Music professor wrote a book about him.

Video games are the other 'fall back' for 'something to do' for me. I am probably addicted to video gaming, but it is an addiction I enjoy. At the time, I am rotating between the most recent Final Fantasy game, number 13(XIII), and a new Digimon game that came out a month ago. I've only played a couple FF games before this one, but I enjoyed them and do enjoy this one. Digimon was one of the cartoons I loved as a kid, so when I heard a game based on it was out I figured 'Why the hell not' and find myself enjoying it as well.

And finally, my love life. It is…the exact same, more or less, as my first blog. Except it has been about 150 days since I've even seen or heard from her, so yeah… depressing. I'm not going to bother her though, she has a boyfriend and doesn't really care to be around me. My own fault for making it awkward right?
So, that state of my life as of today. Fun blog, makes me feel lighter having that all off my chest.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Moronic Overly-Opinionated Politics-Focused Masses

I have been recently watching a multitude of political shows, as well as hearing way more than I'd like to about various political issues such as the recent health care reform. Now, I can't help but think of the quote 'If there are 3 people in a room talking about 1 thing, there will be 6 opinions', but still people just seem to be so carried away. I understand that people are both entitled to and likely to be pissed when a huge bill gets passed that raises taxes and makes people get health care, but why are they THIS pissed about it?

It's health care, not a declaration of war. This isn't about you being oppressed or your opinions not being heard. It's not about your taxes or health coverage. It's about A HEALTHIER POPULACE. That's a good thing right? A healthier country isn't exactly the ends of days.

I just realized one argument would be healthier = less death/more birth thus leading into over populace, but still, life > death in my eyes.

Am I the only person left alive that thinks about the 'greater good' as cliché as it sounds… This shouldn't be about what party you are from or freedoms you want to have from your government, it should be about making the country, or the world a somewhat better place… It's just so utterly depressing and annoying that people can't get outside of their little bubbles of ignorance long enough to see that shit is BAD out there and we should be making it better.

Then there's the whole argument that keeps sparking up about religion and which ones a leader should have. Why does it matter so much? People can have an inner standard of ethics without bowing to a god/gods. People can also be rather bad even if they are religious… The whole 'One nation under god' thing is way outdated. 'Freedom of religion' kicked 'under god' right in the ass didn't it? If someone can lead a country in a positive direction, we should let them. Be they Christian, Muslim, Jewish, or any of the other thousand religions.

I just think the masses of people are becoming to self-opinionated when it comes to these things. Everyone seems to think they can run the country better than the people in charge. Maybe they can, I don't really know, but until they are running the country better, they should just shut the hell up and be good little boys and girls till reelection season.

In short, Health care is the greater good, keep your religion out of my politics, and play nice with each other. (I realize this is only my opinion, which makes me a hypocrite, but I frankly don't give a damn)

Monday, April 5, 2010

The First Blog

Well, where to begin...My name is Travis Hollins. Chances are you don't know me, nor will take the time to get to know me, but thats okay. As selfish as it is, I'm writing this for me, to help me keep my thoughts clear and try and find someone out 'there' who wouldn't mind sharing thoughts with myself.

This, I confess, isn't my first attempt at blogging. I had a little blog application on Facebook, and for roughly 100 days, I used it daily to vent. Despite this being so, it recieved little attention and left me feeling rather alone. It certainly didn't end up making my life better, but hey, I guess I don't mind.

As such, I decided to come here and try a new venue. Will it lead to anything? I have no idea. I kind of hope so, but also kind of doubt it. So, this all being the case, I guess I'll start with a little something about me.

I suppose I should write about what it is that has been stressing me the most recently. I'd have to say that the most stressful thing I have to deal with is one of those "Un-returned love" things. I think about it often, that is I think about why this girl can't seem to give me a chance to prove that I may just be a decent boyfriend. I can see how one would not like me. I'm by no means good looking, I'm often annoying, and I'm not typically talkative.

There isn't really any way I can write this out without seeming like an egotistical asshole who thinks only about his own wants. I understand that she doesn't like me "like that" and that she has another guy she is crazy about herself. It's just after all this time I thought that maybe she'd be willing to just give me a chance. You know? Just one date, or even a half date. It's not like doing so would cause the world to end or make her life worse.

But, that's her choice. If she doesn't think that I'm even worth a try so be it. I'm not going to stop being in love with her because she falls in love with some other guy, ignores me, or even if she hates me. I've waited a long time just for a chance already, it won't kill me to keep waiting. After all, "Love is timeless" right?
Well, end of my first blog. Post comments if you want I suppose. Doubt anyone will.